Taxodium distichum

Taxodium distichum

Systematic Position

Kingdom: Plantae
Division:  Tracheophytes/Gymnosperms/Pinophyta
Class: Pinosida
Order: Pinales
Family: Cupressaceae
Genus: Taxodium
Specie: distichum
Authority: L.

Uses & Benefits:

 There are plenty of interesting facts about the Taxodium districum plant, also known as Bald Cypress trees. One interesting fact about this plant is that it actually belongs to the same family as redwoods. Another fascinating fact about this tree is that it has been used as traditional medicine. Here are some amazing uses of taxodium districum plant.

Increase Oxygen Levels in Air

If you’re suffering from allergies or asthma, it can be incredibly hard to find relief. And if you spend a lot of time in your home—whether for work or for pleasure—you may not be getting enough oxygen. The leaves of taxodium districum plant have long been used to help purify air and get rid of toxins, which means that indoor air quality can improve when these plants are around. These useful trees also add oxygen to your living space naturally!

Remove Smoke Odor

Smoke odor is difficult to get rid of, but if you’re a fan of nature and want to utilize taxodium districum plants in your home or yard, there are ways to make them appealing once again. Cutting up stems and placing them around your house can help remove smoke odor, especially during periods when you cannot open windows or doors due to cold temperatures. The plant will also absorb any remaining smoke scent.

Prevent Termites from Attacking Woodwork

Termites are a common threat to homeowners and cause an estimated $5 billion worth of damage to homes every year. The only real defense against termites is to prevent them from even getting into your home in the first place. One great way to do that is by using Taxodium districum plants in your landscaping! These beautiful, massive trees can grow almost 50 feet tall and produce yellow flowers during springtime, so you’ll have no problem at all finding places for them in your yard.

Kill Bacteria in Sewage Pipes

Along with its physical stability, Taxodium districum plant is also a powerful disinfectant. As such, it is often used in sewage pipes to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms. Because of its low toxicity to animals and plants, it’s even been studied as a natural replacement for pesticides. If you’re going to use it in your garden or around children or pets, make sure that you always dilute your solution. Doing so will lower your exposure risk without sacrificing efficacy.

Clean the Air in Your House

The taxodium districum plant may not sound like a typical solution to indoor air pollution, but it’s an excellent way to get that fresh smell into your home without taking on some of those common pollutants. This type of plant is a great indoor option for anyone who has pets or young children, as it helps filter out dander and pet dander from the air you breathe. Using one in your home is also a great way to add variety to your interior landscaping. It can be used as a centerpiece in any room or even placed on top of furniture. You can even hang it upside down if you want to change up its appearance and make it look more decorative. It makes for a perfect gift idea too, especially if you want to give someone something green that they can use at their desk at work. For people with allergies, these plants are particularly useful because they help cleanse pollen particles from the air.

Control Mice Infestation

As mice tend to be attracted to dark, warm, and secluded places, planting a Taxodium districum plant in or near your home can help repel them. Mice also seem to dislike these plants’ sharp leaves. Be sure that you water your tree thoroughly at least once a week. You may also want to add some compost or manure around its base. If you have other shrubs growing nearby, make sure they don’t crowd out your Taxodium districum; otherwise, it will struggle for sunlight and won’t grow as quickly as it should. You may even need to prune away some neighboring branches if they are interfering with its growth too much.

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