Plant Nomenclature Quiz (Bot302)

Note that this quiz contain 10 mcq's each of 1 mark, just single click to select your Answer. Below * marks Represent MCQ's


1) In given scientific name which one is specie?


2) Phanerogams are group of plants, the word means


3) How many species of pteridophytes are found in Pakistan?


4) In Pakistan the Angiosperms are represented by___________families.


5) Where "Pnematophores partly subterranean advantitious roots" arise from?


6) Which Of the Following group have fleshy and thick stem?


7) Lamina is narrow just like needle, such leaves are called______________.


8) _______________ have leaves, that are heart shaped and notched at the base.


9) Carolus Linnaeous (_______),___________ Scientist introduced Binomial Nomenclature.


10) The Stem of sun flower is _____________ stem.

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