Classification of World into floristic Units by Armen Takhtajan

Classification of World into floristic Units by Armen Takhtajan


Armen Takhtajan divided the world (flora) into 6 (six) kingdom and 35 floristic regions and regions were further divided into 152 Provinces. Six kingdoms are following.
  1. Holarctic Kingdom (Holarctis) 
  2. Paleotropical Kingdom  (Paleotropis)
  3. Neotropical Kingdom  (Neotropis)
  4. Cape Kingdom (Capensis)
  5. Australian Kingdom (Australis) 
  6. Antarctic kingdom (Antarctics)

 To Note:

  • Regions show Genera endemism. 
  • Provinces show species endemism. 
  • Kingdom show Family endemism.
1) Holarctic Kingdom: 
·         Largest of all floral kingdoms. 
·         It include half of the terrestrial world. 
·         It include all of Europe (with few exceptions), extra tropical Northern Africa, Extra tropical Asia and almost  all of the North America
·         Holarctic in Northern Baluchistan Pakistan
·         60 endemic families are found in this kingdom. Such families are; 
1. Ginkogaceae. 2. Cephalotaxaceae. 3. Sciadopityaceae. 4. Calycanthaceae. 5. Paeoniaceae. 6. Trochoclendraceae. 7. Trilliaceae. 8. Ruscaceae. 9. Cannabaceae. 10. Parnasaceae. 
·      Genera and species representation are high in this families;
1. Magnoliaceae 2. Lauraceae 3. Ranunculaceae 4. Berberidaceae
5. Caryophyllaceae 6. Polygonaceae 7. Plumbeginaceae 8. Rosaceae
9. Fabaceae 10. Apiaceae. 
·      Gymnosperms are from family Pinaceae and Cupressaceae. 
·      Ferns are from family Pteridaceae, Polypodiaceae and Asplenaceae.
·      Divided into 3 (three) sub-kingdom
a. Boreal subkingdom. 
b. Tethyan subkingdom (Pakistan lies in this subkingdom)
c. Madrean subkingdom. 
1. Boreal subkingdom
·         Most extensive of all Holarctic sub-kingdom. 
·         Consists of 4 regions and 33 provinces, regions are the following.
I. Circumboreal region: 
Circumboreal region is largest of all floristic regions
It include Europe, Caucus Mountain (Black due to Hydro sulfide), Siberia,  Northern Anatolia (Asia Minor), most of the Alaska (14 hours difference in  time). 
Consists of 15 provinces
1.      Arctic province: poor flora __consists of less flora, Arctic tundra. 
2.      Atlantic European Province.
3.      Central European Province. 
4.      Illyrian Province.
5.      Euxine Province.
6.      Caucasian Province. 
7.      Easter European Province.
8.      Northern European Province
9.      Western Siberian Province.
10.  Altai-Sayan Province. 
11.  Middle Siberian Province.
12.  Trans-Bai-kalian Province.
13.  North Eastern Siberian Province.
14.  Okhotska-Kamchatka Province.
15.  Canadlian Province. 
II. North American Atlantic Regions
It include Gulf of Mexico, Rockies. 
Having one endemic family Leitneriaceae
Consists of 3 provinces. 
1. Appalachian Province. 
2. Atlantic & Gulf Province. 
3. North American Prairs Province. 
III. Rockies Mountain Regions
Contain 1 (one) endemic family Gyrothyraceae (Bryophytes). 
Also having 40 endemic genera
Consists of 2 (two) Provinces. 
1. Vancouverian Province. 
2. Rocky Mountain Province. 
IV. Eastern Asiatic Region
Also known as Sino-Japanese, East Asian Region and Temperate Eastern  Regions. 
It is the rich floristic region in the Holarctic. 
It include Eastern Himalayas
North Eastern border region of India (Himachal Pradesh), Northern  Burma, Continental China, Taiwan and Korean Peninsula. 
Containing 13 provinces
1. Manchurian Province.                     2. Sakhalin-Hokaido Province. 
3. Japanese-Korean Province.             4. Volcano-Bonin Province. 
5. Tokara-Okinawa Province.             6. Taiwanian Province. 
7. Northern Chinese Province.            8. Central Chinese Province. 
9. South Eastern Chinese Province.    10. Yunnan Province. 
11. Northern Burmese Province.         12. Eastern Himalayas Province. 
13. Khasi-Manipus Province. 
2. Tethyan Subkingdom
·         Ancient Mediterranean subkingdom. 
·         It stretches from Micronesia (Archipelago) through the entire Mediterranean  Western and Central Asia to Gobi Desert. 
·         Flora is extraordinarily varied. 
·         Consists of 4 regions. 
I. Micronesian Region: consists of 4 provinces. 
i. Azorean Province. 
ii. Madeiran Province. 
iii. Canarian Province. 
iv. Cape rerde Province. 
II. Mediterranean Region:
·         Mediterranean climate ____ No summer rain fall, Mild in winter, harsh environment, in Pakistan Chitral and Baluchistan having this. 
·         Consists of 9 provinces. 
i.                    South Moroccan Province. 
ii.                  South Western Mediterranean Province. 
iii.                South Mediterranean Province. 
iv.                Iberian Province. 
v.                  Balearic Province. 
vi.                Liguro-Tyorhenian Province. 
vii.              Crimean Province. 
viii.            East Mediterranean Province. 
ix.                Adriatic Province. 
III. Irian-Turonian Region: (most of the Pakistani flora lies in this region.)
·         Divided into 2 sub-regions.
A. Western Asiatic Sub-region: (this region include Baluchistan and  both south and North Waziristan)
Consists of 8 provinces. 
i. Mesopotamian Province. 
ii. Central Anatolian Province. 
iii. Armeno-Iranian Province. 
iv. Hyrcanian Province. 
v. Aralo-Caspian Province or Turonian Province. 
vi. Turkestanian Province. 
vii. Northern Baluchistan
viii. Western Himalaya. 
B. Central Asiatic Sub-region: (it include flora of upper Chitral and  Gillgath)
Also known as Irano-Turonian Sub-region. 
Consists of 4 province. 
i. Central Tien Shan Province. 
ii. Dzungaro Tien Shan province. 
iii. Mongolian Province. 
iv. Tibetan province. 
IV. Saharo-Archian Region
Contain 2 Provinces. 
i. Saharan Desert Province. 
ii. Egyptian-Arabian Province. 
3. Madrean Sub-Kingdom
It include North America, Northern South Western America and central Mexico. I. Madrean Region: 
Consist of 250 endemic genera. 
50% species endemism
3 endemic families.
1. Simmondsiaceae     2. Fouquieriaceae       3. Pterostamenoaceae. 
·         Divided into 4 provinces. 
i. Great Basin province. 
ii. Californian Province. 
iii. Suboran Province. 
iv. Province of Mexican Highlands. 
2) Paleotropical Kingdom
·         It includes the tropics of old world except Australia. 
·         It include the different Islands in the Pacific Ocean (Oceania___ Australasia, Matenesia, Polynesia and Micronesia). 
·         Highly diverse flora. 
·         Paleotropical Kingdom contain 40 endemic families.
1. Matoniaceae.           2. Dipteridaceae.         3. Stangeriaceae.
4. Welwitshiaceae.      5. Raffleiaceae.           6. Nepenthaceae. 
·         This kingdom is further divided into 5 sub-kingdoms.
1. African Sub-kingdom
·         Include larger part of Africa. 
·         Raffleiaceae: having largest  flower in the world.
·         Found in Malaysia and Indonesia. 
·         Welwitshiaceae: is gymnosperm, plant  having only two leaves.
·     Desert parts of Iran, Pakistan (desert of Sindh and Punjab) and Northern India  (Rajasthan). 
·         It include Arabian Peninsula. 
·         It contain 5 regions. 
I. Guineo-Congolian Region
Tropical rain forest. 
Forest Savanna (Tropical grassland) Mosaic. 
Contain 3 provinces. 
i. Upper Guinea Province. 
ii. Nigerian Province. 
iii. Congolian Province. 
II. Uzambara-Zululand Region
Include Africa. 
i. Zanzibar Province. 
ii. Tongo land-Pondo land Province. It contain Coastal grass  land and subtropical forests. 
III. Sudano-Zambezian Region
·         Consist of Arabian Peninsula. 
·         Desert part of Iran, India, Senegal, Mauritania and Sudan Republic. 
·         Having open wood lands, savanna and grasslands. 
·         3 endemic families. 
1. Kirkiaceae. 2. Diradimaceae. 3. Barbeyaceae. 
·         Terminalia, coubretu and Acacia origin occur in this region. 
·         It contain 4 subregions. 
            A. Zambezian Sub-region
It include Zaire, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Tanzania. 
It contain 1 Province (Zambezian Province)
B. Sahelo – Sudanian Sub-region
·         Its flora is woodland and grassland. 
·         Include parts of Africa. 
·         Consist of 2 Provinces. 
i. Sachelian province: its flora include semi desert, grassland and shrub land. 
ii. Sudanian Province: flora is woodland. 
C. Eritreo – Arabian Sub-region
It include Sudan republic, Erirtrea, Kenya, parts of Tanzania and Arabian Peninsula. 
Consists of 3 Provinces. 
i. Somalo – Ethiopian Province. 
ii. South Arabian Province. 
iii. Socotran Province. 
D. .Omano-Sindian Sub-region
Old name was Saharo Sindian
It include Omen, Arabian Peninsula, UAE, Plains of  Punjab, entire Sindh, Haryana, Western Rajasthan, and  Northern Gujrat. 
Flora is open woodland and desert. 
i. Province of Omen. 
ii. South Iranian Province. 
iii. Sindian Province. 
E. Karo-Namib Region: 
Its include desert of Namibia. 
1 endemic family (Welwitshiaceae). 
Consists of 4 provinces. 
i. Namib Province. 
ii. Namaland Province. 
iii. Western Cape Province. 
iv. Karo Province. 
F. St-Helena and Ascensian Region: 
Consists of 2 Provinces. 
i. Helena Province.                  ii. Ascensian Province.
2. Madagascan Sub-Kingdom
It include 1 region. 
I. Madagascan Region:  
i. Eastern Madagascan Province. 
ii. Western Madagascan Province. 
iii. Southern and South Western Madagascan Province. 
iv. Comoro Province. 
v. Mascarene Province. 
vi. Seyenelles Province. 
3. Indo-Malesian Sub-Kingdom
·         16 endemic families. 
·         Ancient flora in this kingdom specially (flowering flora). 
·         Angiosperm evolution occurred here according to Takhtajan.
·         It include 4 regions. 

I. Indian Region: 
Having 120 endemic genera.
No endemic family. 
Consists of 5 provinces. 
This region flora have no relation  with flora of Pakistan, but overall 4% flora is same with India.
i. Sri Lanka Province. 
ii. Malabar Province. 
iii. Deccan Province. 
iv. Upper Gangetic Plains. 
v. Bengal Province. 
II. Indo Chinese Region
It include India, Burma, Thailand and Hainan.
Contain 250 endemic genera. 
Consist of 7 provinces. 
i. South Burmese Province. 
ii. Andamanese Province. 
iii. South Chinese Province. 
iv. Thailand Province. 
v. North-Indo Chinese Province. 
vi. Anamese Province. 
vii. South Indo-Chinese Province. 
III. Malesian Region
4 endemic families. 
400 endemic genera Rafflesia arnoldi is from these genera. 
2 sub-region. 
A. Malesian Sub-region
Consists of 5 provinces. 
i. Malay Province. 
ii. Bornean Province. 
iii. Philippinean Province. 
iv. Sumatran Province. 
v. South Malesian Province. 
B. Papuan Sub-region
Consists of 4 provinces. 
i. Celebesian Province. 
ii. Molocan Province. 
iii. Papuan Province. 
iv. Bismarkian Province. 
VI. Figian Region
Having 1 endemic family, Degeneraiaceae. 
Contain 12 endemic genera. 
Consist of 2 provinces. 
i. New Hebridaen Province. 
ii. Figian Province.  
4. Polynesian Sub-Kingdom: 
No endemic families. 
High generic and species endemism. 
It include 2 regions. 
I. Polynesian Region: 
Mostly includes islands. 
Include 2 provinces. 
i. Polynesian Province. 
ii. Micronesian Province. 
II. Hawaiian Region
It include Hawaii. 
97% species endemism. 
Most isolated region. 
This region contain 1 province. 
i. Hawaiian Province.
5. Neo-Caledonian Sub-Kingdom
It include 1 region. 
I. New Caledonian Region
Contain several endemic families. 
130 genera of vascular plants are endemic to this region. 
Contain 1 province. 
i. Neo Caledonian Province. 
3) Neotropical Kingdom: 
·         It include the tropics of new world (Nootropics). 
·         It include Central America, parts of South America, Shores of Mexico, Islands of  Bermuda and Peninsula of Florida. 
·         Contain several endemic families. 
i. Thurniaceae.       ii. Canellaceae.            iii. Balanophotaceae.
iv. Lauraceae.        v. Diperaceae.            vi. Sapotaceae. 
vii. Myrtaceae.      viii. Orchidaceae. 
·         Contain 5 regions. 
I. Caribbean Region: 
It contain very rich flora. 
1 endemic family (Placospermataceae). 
Contain 3 provinces. 
i. Central America Province. 
ii. West Indian Province. 
iii. Galapagian Province. 
II. The Region of Guyana Highlands
This region contain 8000 species. 
Out of 8000 species 4000 are endemic to this region. 
It contain 1 province. 
i. Guyana Province. 
III. Amazonian Region
It include Basin of Amazon (largest river). 
Contain 3 endemic families. 
Bryophytic families. 
Main vegetation is tropical rainforest
Contain 2 provinces. 
i. Amazonian Province ____ rich tropical rain forest (flora). 
ii. Llanos Province. 
IV. Brazilian Region: 
Megadiverse country having 55000 species. 
Highland of Brazil. 
Contain 5 Provinces. 
i. Coating Province. 
ii. Province of Uplands of Central Brazil.
iii. Chaconne Province. 
iv. Atlantic Province. 
v. Parana province. 
V. Andean Region
It contain 2 provinces. 
i. North Andean Province. 
ii. Central Andean Province. 
4) Cape Kingdom (Capensis): 
·         Smallest of all kingdom (area wise). 
·         It contain 1 region. 
I. Cape Region: 
It include the southern extremity of Africa. 
It includes 8 endemic families or sub-endemic families. 
i. Grubbiaceae.            ii. Roridulaceae.         iii. Bruniaceae 
iv. Pennaceae.                          v. Retziaceae.              vi. Stilbaceae. 
vii. Greyiaceae.           viii. Geissolomataceae.  
This region contain 200 endemic genera. 
Climate is Mediterranean Climate. 
Vegetation is Syubus Vegetation (Sclerophyllous, Shrubs or sub shrubs) or (vegetation with ericoid leaves or leathery leaves). 
It contain 1 province. 
   i. Cape Province. 
Total species in this province is 8550 species. 
With 73% species endemism. 
5) Australian kingdom or Australis Kingdom
·         Australia is the smallest continent of the world which is characterized by high  species endemism. 
·         It contain several endemic families. 
i. Platyzomataceae      ii. Austrobaleyaceae    iii. Idiospermaceae
iv. Akaniaceae             v. Davidsoniaceae       vi. Dasypoponaceae.
·         It contain c. 550 endemic genera.
·         Hakea (Proteaceae) is the largest endemic genus. 
·         Eucalyptus and Acacia are native to Australia. 
·         Contain 3 region. 
I. Northeast Australian Region
Large heterogeneous region and include northern eastern and south eastern part of Australia. 
Also include Tasmania. 
It contain 150 endemic genera. 
Lepidozamia and Bowenia are endemic to this region.
Include 4 provinces. 
i. North Australian Province. 
ii. Queensland Province. 
iii. Southeast Australian Province. 
iv. Tasmanian Province. 
II. South West Australian Region: 
It is comperativly small region. 
Contain 4 endemic families. 
Contain 125 endemic genera. 
Vegetation is Sclerophyllous and xeromorphic, Shrubs and sub  shrubs (Suffrutescent). 
Also contain Eucalyptus forests. 
Having 1 province. (South West Australian Province.) 
III. Central Australian Region or Eremean Region: 
·         No endemic families. 
·         85 genera are endemic to this region. 
·         Most endemic genera belong to Asteraceae, Chenopodiaceae and  Brassicaceae. 
·         Vegetation is Acacia, Eucalyptus and Casuarina. Woodland. 
·         Contain 1 province (Eremaen Province)
6) Holantarctic Kingdom or holantarctis kingdom
·         Also known as Antarctic floristic kingdom. 
·         It include southern Hemisphere 40o S, mostly Cold and temperate areas.
·         Few sub-tropical parts are also include. 
·         Its flora is depauperate (low diversity). 
·         It include New Zealand, Continent Antarctica, Patagonia and some Islands.
·         Divided into 4 regions. 
I. Fernandez Ian Region: 
Contain 2 endemic families. 
Lectoridaceae and Thyrsopteridaceae. 
Contain 20 endemic genera and 70% species are endemic. 
It include 1 province (Fenandezian Province) 
II. Chile Patagonian Region: 
It contain 8 endemic or sub endemic families. 
5 province. 
i. Northern Chilean Province. 
ii. Middle Chilean Province. 
iii. Parnpaen Province. 
iv. Patagonian Province. 
v. Magellan Ian Province.
III. Region of the South Sub-Antarctic Island: 
2 endemic genera. 
2 provinces. 
i. Tristan-Goughian Province. 
ii. Kergulenian Province. 
IV. Neozeylandic Region: 
This region have no endemic families. 
45 genera are endemic. 
Contain 8 province.
i. Loard Howean Province. 
ii. Neofolkian Province. 
iii. Kermedecian Province. 
iv. Northern Neozeylandic Province. 
v. Central Neozeylandic Province. 
vi. Southern Neozeylandic Province. 
vii. Chatham Ian Province.
viii. Province of New Zealand sub Antarctic  province.


Classification of world into Floristic units by Armen takhtajan Summary

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