Chlorophytum comosum

Chlorophytum comosum

Systematic Position

Kingdom: Plantae
Division:  Tracheophytes/Angiosperms/Monocots
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Asparagaceae
Genus: Chlorophytum 
Specie: comosum 

Uses & Benefits:

People across the world use Chlorophytum comosum, or spider plant, in their daily lives to keep their homes healthy and their spirits high.

A Few Common Uses

    It's commonly used as a foreground plant, but it also makes an excellent oxygenator.Chlorophytum comosum is commonly known as spider plant, ribbon grass, lace plant, or spider ivy. People have also used chlorophytum comosum in landscaping because it only grows to be around 10 inches tall, making it a good choice for areas with little space. It's also been known to grow well in both tropical and temperate climates, making it easy to grow no matter where you live. In addition to these uses, people have also used chlorophytum comosum for medicinal purposes. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, people often steep its leaves in hot water before drinking them as a tea. This tea has been shown to help with issues like stomach aches and ulcers. 

Medical uses:

    It is a key part of any home garden, Chlorophytum comosum has several uses in traditional medicine. It can be used as a diuretic to relieve kidney stones, as a laxative to treat constipation and as an antispasmodic to treat muscle cramps. The plant is also said to reduce fever, improve appetite and aid digestion. In addition, chlorophytum comosum is sometimes used as a pesticide or herbicide. The plant is known for its ability to repel termites and other pests from crops and gardens—the leaves are often added to animal feed or mixed with water for use on plants that have been infested by pests. (Don't try at home). It’s also good to know that Chrysanthemum has been used historically to treat fever, headache, dizziness, rheumatic pain and inflammation. It’s also been used as a sedative in Chinese medicine.

        Research is being conducted to test whether extracts from chlorophytum can treat malaria and rheumatoid arthritis. Chlorophytum may also have antibacterial properties.

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