It is the combination of two-words i.e. Bio-life and diversity-forms.
Sum/total of all living organisms including microbes, animals and plants. Biodiversity is a broad term that includes all the living parts of biosphere (parts of earth where life exists).
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD): in 1992 conference held on biodiversity in UN.
Definition according to CBD: “The variability among living organisms terrestrial, marine and other ecosystem and the ecological complexes which they are part”.
Types of Diversity:
Ø Animal’s Animal biodiversity.
Ø Plant’s Plants biodiversity.
Ø Microbe’s Microbes biodiversity.
Ø Specie’s Species biodiversity-intra specific diversity.
Species diversity: The diversity within a specie is intra diversity.
Generic diversity: The variation in the amount of genetic information within and among individuals of a population, a species, an assemblage, or a community.
Ecosystem diversity: The diversity among all species in a particular area/ecosystem.
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Pond Ecosystem |
Conservation & Prevention
Conservation: It is the protection of an organisms in living form.
Preservation: it is the protection of an organism in non-living form.
E.g. Herbarium sheets, Bottles.
Types of Conservation: there are 2-two types of conservation.
I. In-situ conservation.
II. Ex-situ conservation.
1. 1-In-situ Conservation: when an organism is protected within its natural habitat is called “in-site” conservation.
E.g. protected area, natural parks.
2. 2-Ex-situ Conservation: when an organism is protected outside of its natural habitat is known as “ex-situ” conservation.
E.g. Botanical garden, zoo, etc.
Biodiversity and Conservation:
Ø Biodiversity in an “Umbrella term” i.e. plants, animals, microbes.
1. Species diversity: Diversity within a single species. E.g. Human.
2. Generic diversity: Diversity among different species. E.g. our department.
3. Ecosystem diversity/Ecological: diversity in a habitat/ecosystem.
A new emerged in biodiversity now and that is landscape-diversity/pattern diversity.
Landscape diversity: land composed of cluster of interacting ecosystem that are repeated in similar forms.
Biodiversity is composed of 3 types of variation:
I. Genetic diversity.
II. Species diversity.
III. Ecosystem diversity.
1. Genetic diversity: Genetic diversity starts from molecule, cells, indivisible organism, population and papulation. Genetic diversity refers to the range of different inherited traits with in a species.
2. Species diversity: Starts from species then genes (genera) families, order, class, phylum (phyla), kingdom this is called species diversity. The number of species and abundance of each specie that live in a particular location.
3. Ecosystem diversity: Starts from habitat (division on the basis of ecosystem/habitat) ecosystem, biome then biosphere. The variety of different habitats, communities and ecological presence.